Circus Circus Hotel Las Vegas. Sin City that you are on a budget or time (ie, saving every night) If you want to stay in, you'll probably have to consider this place on the Strip, and to visit with your family, if definitively. Here, however, depends on schedule or whether the priority. Speed: speed, low-resort fees and free gym and varies from $ 18 or more. You book directly on their website, or the best sites (and people looking for a deal in this city only) are available.
Rooms: They are very plain and basic, but rooms are very clean, as we recently found a mattress for back pain in the you simply can not stay here, but the best kind is all new. Revamped room on par with Excalibur, remodeled rooms, and certainly more, but at least cleaner than Excalibur (from the perspective of the corridor outside the room and rooms), but we are still basic and inexpensive is the story.