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In discussing Colorado MMA, you can not fight off the promotion and their respective promoters leading many great MMA fans "fighting moments"each year across the region. Some of these organizations have been around for years, while others are looking to solidify its position in the growing market.
Looking to the top 5, you have to factor in the allotted time, the impact on Colorado MMA, number of fights a year, etc. That said, all the promotions listed, poses a quality product, on display for fans without anyone leave disappointed. We are fortunate to live in a state where so many deals are putting on cards thriving exciting almost every month.
Looking to the top 5, you have to factor in the allotted time, the impact on Colorado MMA, number of fights a year, etc. That said, all the promotions listed, poses a quality product, on display for fans without anyone leave disappointed. We are fortunate to live in a state where so many deals are putting on cards thriving exciting almost every month.